It has been almost a month since I posted. One word for this; busy! So my kids are going to look back on this blog when I am old and grey and say; she was a little forgetful. Can't help it. Seems I work all day, (or play all day) and then just fall in a slumber of sleep and forget to document my life. Its probably mostly boring anyway.
In the past month, D has gone back to work with very little back issues and is doing fantastic! Praise God for that because I was about ready to kill him. Sitting around the house for 6 weeks was about to drive me crazy. Oh I know he was in pain and all, but come on. I gave birth for crip sakes.
Anyhow so lets see; Drew is doing fantastic with his new job. Praise God again. The kids are busy making plans to move out. Yes that would make the zoo empty. D and I have never been by ourselves. Not sure how to even do that.
Devin has decided to change jobs. God love him he has had more jobs then I can count. And more degrees in so many different areas. He always ends up on top though.
Stephanie? Well she hasn't been home in a while. Gonna need to kill her when I see her. She probably has changed her major again it has been so long.
A couple of weeks ago I was driving Drew's truck to a doctor's appointment. When some one rear ended me and totalled her car and Drew's truck. I thought Drew would be really upset; but when the insurance company gave him double what he paid for the truck he was all good. Turns out he was going to sell the truck anyway.
The best part of the whole thing was that when the police arrived and started handling the accident I called Devin to see if he could tow Drew's truck for us. At the time I was unaware that it was totalled. It did not appear obvious to me. Anyhow, I didn't know that Devin was pulling a day shift at his police department and came right away and took care of it all. The original office said he has never took care of an accident when the victim had there own officer and tow service. Ha!
Let's see what else happened in the past month. Oh, I was recently called into the Director of Nursing office at my work and she told me that the company would like to send me on to CMT school. They are picking up the tab and think I would be perfect for the job that will be coming available in October. The school starts in July and will be completed at the end of September. And did I mention they are picking up the tab. Gotta love it!
That seems about it other than work, work and more work. Lost several patients, something you never get used to.
This weekend was awesome though. D and I celebrated our twenty-ninth wedding anniversary. We went away for the weekend and had an awesome time. I think we might like being at the zoo alone. Well at least for a little while.
Many blessings,