Yesterday I had lunch with two friends from my previous employment. It was so great to see them. After listening to their stories about their work; I am so grateful that I am no longer there. At the time I was laid off I was devastated; now I am so glad that I am not in that negative environment any longer. I didn't realize how awful it had become until I was away from the situation. I left there knowing that God had a plan for my life and working there was not it.

This is my oldest son Devin and his fiance Heather. Devin is very special to his father and I. He has many talents one of which is singing. He is totally oblivious as to how good he really is. Devin has a big heart but plays by the rules, black and white he is; this keeps us all on track. His fiance Heather has two kids; a son 4; his name is
Brennon and a daughter that is 2; her name is Aspen other wise known as the princes.
Devin is a man of many degrees. First he has a degree in diesel mechanic, then he went to the police academy. Recently he has a degree in computer technology. His current love however is to be a police officer; he is employed as such in a town near us. I pray daily for him as he leaves each night to go to work. Police officers are
sssooo under appreciated. Devin has removed man drunk drivers off of our streets. This sure makes a mama proud!
This lovely couple currently reside at 406B(B meaning the basement of our home) we are in the process of finishing off our basement for them to live more comfortably. It's a work in progress; but isn't everything. Thanks for being so patient kids.
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