Well today I ventured out to the big city to our local government office to get a copy of D's birth certificate. After waiting for 30 minutes the kind lady said that they can not locate any birth certificate for D. She asked if I was sure he was born in this state. Yup cuz his momma said; I told the kind lady. She said well we have no record of his birth. Umm kind lady; I just saw him this morning and I am sure he was in fact born and I am pretty sure his momma is correct on the state that she gave birth to this big lug. The kind lady said well I will have to e-mail the states capital to see of they have anything on him; come back in 30 minutes. Well I live about 30 minutes away so I was not driving back home. So a diet coke was in order if not something stronger.
As I was driving to a convenient store for my diet coke I saw a sign about a summer clearance on summer clothes. Well I couldn't pass that up. I may not go home with D's birth certificate but I am all over this clearance sale. Scored I did; bought two tops for $6 each! Gotta love that.
So after 30 minutes had passed and one diet coke and two tops later I returned to the government office.
Kind lady said the state has located his birth certificate. Well that's good. After paying I was on my way back to the country. Well suburbs anyway. All in all a good day.
PS-The picture above has nothing to do with this post. It's just a cute picture of Drake after he had fallen asleep on his bean bag chair. Too cute!
Many Blessings,
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