Started school on Tuesday; had a small melt down the night before. Scared to begin a new chapter in my life. All was well after a call from my mother-in-law. She knows just the right thing to say. The first class was very nerve racking with two tests right off the bat. Passed them both. It was a basic English and math test. Just to see if you had any smarts, Thursday was the second day filled with 6 hours of lectures. My brain was mush by the time I got home. It is going to take me a while to get back into the swing of school and studying.
A good friend of D's owns a pumpkin farm. So Drew, Meg, D and I took the babies to get pumpkins. Drake calls them punkies. It's the cutest thing. They each picked out baby ones and then two big ones for carving. I will post those pics tomorrow. That is if I remember to update. Devin and Heather did not go to the pumpkin patch. They took Brennon to a rodeo. Umm I like pumpkins but I would have loved to go to the rodeo and horse show. Maybe next year.
Well another weekend and another deer in the tree. D got an 8 point buck this morning. Freezer is full of meat I don't eat and now another one hanging in the tree. Greaaat!
I played the good wife and took lots of pictures for him to show his friends. Will not be posting any of those anytime soon. Your welcome.
Back to the books.
Many Blessings,
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