Late Friday afternoon I went to Devin and Heather's to watch Aspen while they ran a few errands. Earlier in the week Aspen had been diagnosed with croup so they didn't want to get her out if they didn't have to. When I first arrived Aspen was asleep on Heather's lap. Heather and I had a brief conversation then I took Aspen from her and held her while they left. At that time Heather and I discussed that she was getting worse as the week went by. They had already taken her to one emergency room because of the croup this week. But Heather and I discussed it was time to take her to Children's Mercy.
After the kids got back from a brief errand we took her to Children's Mercy. I have pictures of our little princess however this computer will not allow me to upload them. I will hopefully be able to post them later in the week when Devin can get Meg's new lap top up and running.
So after Heather and I arrived at the hospital they did a brief exam and gave her some meds for her fever and told us to wait another 45 min to see if we see any improvement in her. She became considerably worse and it wasn't long until we were admitted. Her breathing was very labored and she was dehydrated.
At about 11:00 pm we finally got her in a room hooked up to oxygen and an IV with fluids. At midnight Heather and I were starving. Devin had to work that night so he was unable to stay. Heather went to the cafeteria to get us something to eat while Aspen was fast asleep. I don't know why but that was the best cheeseburger I have had in a while; it was probably all the people watching that Heather and I was doing in the emergency room. It sure works up at appetite. And there we plenty of sights to see.
I finally went home at around 1:30 am hoping that maybe Heather could get some rest. I arrived back to the hospital at around 10:00 am the next morning to help out in any way that I could. It is so hard for a two year old to understand that she needed to stay in bed and sit still. We had our work cut out for us.
Needless to say as the weekend went by the better she became. Tonight she is at home with her mom and dad resting comfortably with mom and dad pushing as much fluids as they can. Eating is still not important to her but as she starts to feel better hopefully so will her appetite.
The best Valentines ever is to see Aspen home and doing better. Other than that this was another snowy weekend. I don't believe it is ever going to stop snowing!