This weekend D started painting our bedroom. I love fresh paint. The winter time is the time of
year that D and I paint rooms and do most home repairs. Summers are just too busy. I use the term we loosely. I mainly supervise. It's what I do best.

Here is a before picture. The room to the right is the bath. The door that you can hardly see to the left is a walk in closet. You may not be able to tell but it was already green; it just wasn't dark enough for me. I choose a rich darker green. It is called Cottage Sage. I love it with all the black and white I have in here. I have lots of windows in my house; so using dark colors is not a problem. Below is the other side of the room that is completed.

See what a richer green this is. I just love it! I really need new lamps in here. Something larger and maybe black. Don't look too close at the picture frames. They are a work in progress. I am having some black and white photos of my kids put in these. It's on the long list of things to do. One project on my things to do is buy 2 white pillow shams for this bed and have them monogrammed. They will go in front of the black ones that are already here. I LOVE anything monogrammed.
Today all of the zoo members; including the ones that do not currently live here any longer went to a bone marrow drive at a local church for a young girl that in fighting Leukemia. Here name is Becca and she is 19 I think. Not too sure of her age. We have known this family for over 20 years. Some of the zoo members were unable to participate because of certain health issues. Drew for example; because he has had open heart surgery he was unable to be a donor. But he was there for support for the rest of us. They had over 700 people show up. I sure hope someone is a match. We will be praying for Becca.
The new color looks great! The green is much warmer and richer. The white and black really pops!