Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Zoo

The reason for me to start a blog at this time in my life is that the lives of my children are passing by; I want to document these crazy times. The reason for Lambeth Zoo; well my life is pretty crazy right now. Both of our grown sons are living with us with their families. Just a sign of the times.

So here at the Lambeth Zoo we have 9 people living under this roof. My oldest son Devin and his family of 4. Our youngest son Drew with his family of 3.

I am really looking forward to this Christmas; all of us together. Watching the excitement of 3 little ones open their gifts. I will post pictures as soon as my oldest son the computer wiz shows me how.

Currently I am unemployed as of July 27th of this year. No plans on returning to work any time soon. This zoo requires a lot of my time and I am loving every minute of it. Well almost every minute. I have been married to my best friend for 27 years I think. Give or take a few years; after twenty years who keeps track any more!?!

I have lots of interesting things that I want to document in the days ahead. Like my oldest sons freakish addiction to oriental rugs. As well as my youngest sons need for sweet tarts on a daily basis.

That is all for today. Hopefully pictures tomorrow of Drew's deer that his father shot; it is currently wrapped up in poly and insulation hanging in a tree near the pond. See lots to talk about.


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